ComponentOne Chart for WPF and Silverlight
Step 4 of 4: Adjust the Chart's Appearance
Chart for WPF and Silverlight > Getting Started > Quick Start > Step 4 of 4: Adjust the Chart's Appearance

In this last step, you will adjust the chart's appearance using the Theme property.

To set the chart’s theme in Visual Studio using XAML:

To specifically define the Office2007Blue theme in your chart, add the following Theme markup to the <c1chart:C1Chart> tag so that it appears similar to the following:

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<c1chart:C1Chart Margin="0,0,8,8" MinHeight="160" MinWidth="240" Content="C1Chart" ChartType="Bar" Theme="Office2007Blue">

To set the chart's theme in Visual Studio in code:

Visual Basic
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C1Chart1.Theme = TryCast(C1Chart1.TryFindResource(New ComponentResourceKey(GetType(C1Chart), "Office2007Blue")), ResourceDictionary)


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C1Chart1.Theme = c1Chart1.TryFindResource( new ComponentResourceKey(typeof(C1.WPF.C1Chart.C1Chart),   "Office2007Blue")) as ResourceDictionary;


Visual Basic
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c1Chart1.Theme = ChartTheme.


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c1Chart1.Theme = ChartTheme.Office2007Blue;


What You've Accomplished:

The Office 2007 Blue theme is applied to the C1Chart control.

Congratulations! You've completed the Chart for WPF quick start and created a chart application, added data to the chart, set the axes bounds, formatted the axes annotation, and customized the appearance of the chart.

See Also